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Good Energy Governance in the Indo-Pacific


Mr. Hiroyasu Izumi, Chief representative of the Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association, attended the opening ceremony of the GCTF workshop, Good Energy Governance in the Indo-Pacific.

The Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association held a GTCF workshop entitled “Good Energy Governance in the Indo-Pacific” with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, American Institute in Taiwan, Ministry of Economic Affairs, and the Australian Embassy. The opening ceremony was held at the Sheraton Hotel on November 20th. Hiroyasu Izumi made the following remarks. He emphasized that strengthening energy governance is of critical importance in light of changes in the global demand structure for energy as a result of cataclysmic changes in the international energy landscape.

Distinguished guests and friends,

My name is Hiroyasu Izumi, Chief Representative of the Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association Taipei office. On behalf of the Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association, it is my honor to co-host this GCTF workshop on “Good Energy Governance in the Indo-Pacific” with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, American Institute in Taiwan, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Australian Office Taipei.

Taiwan and the United States launched GCTF, the Global Cooperation and Trading Framework in 2015, as an innovative platform for the discussion of cross-regional agendas. This is the seventh GCTF workshop this year. The Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association is delighted to have co-hosted all of the GCTF workshops in 2019 along with the United States and Taiwan, with whom we share the basic values of democracy and freedom. I am very proud to have the opportunity to deliver this opening address after recently assuming my position as Chief Representative in Taipei on November 1. In addition, it gives me great pleasure to welcome the Australian Office Taipei to the GCTF as a co-host sponsor for the first time.

The global energy landscape, including that of the Indo-Pacific region is currently undergoing a cataclysmic change, including the supply shift brought on by the shale revolution, and the shift in consumption patterns represented by the emergence of growth economies such as India, China and the ASEAN countries, not to mention the move towards reduction of carbon emissions. These changes in the global energy landscape mean that strengthening global energy governance is now a key challenge.

It is of vital importance that like-minded countries share a common vision and cooperate with each other to strengthen the mutual benefits available to importers and exporters of energy and resources, and to enable them to share innovative renewable energy technologies with each other. This workshop is a meaningful initiative to facilitate in-depth discussion of this important topic to aid and develop economic prosperity.

We anticipate that this workshop will be a forum for active debate between experts from various countries and that it will help strengthen cooperative ties in the Indo-Pacific region. Although this is the last GCTF workshop this year, the Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association will continue its collaborative efforts to support the development of this vitally important framework next year.

Thank you for your attention.