


Date of Birth: 5 May 1960
Birthplace: Hiroshima Prefecture
Examination: Higher Diplomatic Service Examination in 1982
Educational Background:
Bachelor of Law, Kyoto University, Japan (1983)
Master of Arts (East Asian Studies), Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Harvard University, the USA (1987)
Doctor of Philosophy (International Relations), Graduate School of Arts and Social Sciences, Malaya University, Malaysia (2011)
Awards and Honors: Grand Cross of the Order of the Sun of Peru
Apr.  1983 Entered the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA)
Jun.  1987 Second Secretary of the Embassy of Japan in China
Jun.  1994 Principal Deputy Director of the China Division, Asian Affairs Bureau
Apr.  1996 Executive Assistant to the Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary
Jul.   1997 First Secretary of the Embassy of Japan in China
Jan.  2000 Counsellor of the Embassy of Japan in the USA
Aug.  2002 Director of the Energy Resources Division, Economic Affairs Bureau
Aug.  2004 Director of the Cultural Affairs Division
Aug.  2006 Minister and DCM of the Embassy of Japan in Malaysia
Jul.   2008 Economic Minister of the Embassy of Japan in China
Jul.   2010 Minister and DCM of the Embassy of Japan in Belgium
Aug.  2013 Consul-General of the Consulate General of Japan in Detroit
Jul.   2015 Consul-General of the Consulate General of Japan in Shanghai
Jan.  2019 Assistant Minister and Director-General (Ambassador), Foreign Service Training Institute, MOFA
Jul.   2020 Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Peru
Nov.  2023 Chief Representative of Taipei Office of the Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association