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For Holders of Certificate of Eligibility

Visa Applications Before and After the New Year & Lunar New Year Holidays
January 23rd (Thu) is the last day for visa applications before the Lunar New Year Holidays.
Our office is closed from January 27th (Mon) to January 31st (Fri).

If you hold a Taiwan ARC, please submit the following documents.

1.Visa Application Form
2.One photo; stick it on the application form(2-inch size, taken in the last 6 months, face the camera directly without wearing a hat and must use a plain white background)
3.Passport(valid for at least 6 months ; the original and 1 copy )
4.Alien Resident Certificate(the original and 1 copy of both sides)
5.Certificate of Eligibility(the original and 1 copy of both sides)

※Please print all the documents on A4-size papers. Please do not staple any document.
※Visa applicants may need to submit additional documents upon request.

※Office Hours for Submission:
Monday to Thursday   9:00 – 11:30 a.m.   13:30 – 16:00 p.m.
Friday                  9:00 – 11:30 a.m.