If your ARC shows that your residence address is located in(Yunlin County, Chiayi County, Chiayi City, Tainan City, Kaohsiung City, Pingtung County, Taitung County, Penghu County), please apply at Kaohsiung Office.
Kaohsiung Office
Contact Information:
Address: 9F/10F., No.87, Heping 1st Rd., Lingya Dist., Kaohsiung City
Tel: 07-771-4008
E-mail: visa-k1@ka.koryu.or.jp
Generally, a visa can be issued within five working days if all the requirements are met. However, the processing times may vary depending on the status of the application. Visa applicants may need to submit additional documents upon request. Therefore, applicants are reminded to apply for their visas well in advance of the anticipated travel date.
*Service hours for applications (No appointment needed) :
Monday to Thursday 9:00 – 11:30;13:30 – 16:00
Friday 9:00 – 11:30
*For Japanese Visas Information Hotline, please click Here.
*Forms and Document Downloads
For Holders of Certificate of Eligibility Issued by the Immigration Services Agency
Holders of Certificate of Eligibility 【ENGLISH】
Temporary Visitor Visas(For the Purpose of Sightseeing, Business, etc.)
1. For Holders of Foreign Passports
*Applicants other than nationals of China, Russia, the CIS countries or Georgia
Permanent(永久居留) 【ENGLISH】
・Dependent(spouse is Taiwanese) 【ENGLISH】
・Dependent(spouse is foreign nationality) 【ENGLISH】
Working(應聘) 【ENGLISH】
Studying(就學) 【ENGLISH】
Missionary(傳教) 【ENGLISH】
Labor(domestic helpers)(移工) 【ENGLISH】
Labor(factory workers)(移工) 【ENGLISH】
2. For Passport Holders of the Following Countries
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and Georgia
Dependent(依親) 【ENGLISH】
Working(應聘) 【ENGLISH】
Studying(就學) 【ENGLISH】
Please beware of fraud websites looking alike the JAPAN eVISA website.
【Contact by email】
japan-visa@bricks-corp.com ※English only