On June 25-27, the Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association co-hosted a Global Cooperation and Training Framework (GCTF) workshop with the theme of “Strengthening Civilian Training” with Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the National Police Agency, the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT), the Australian Office, the Canadian Trade Office in Taipei and the Finland Trade Center in Taiwan.
At this workshop, Eisuke Ikuta, Professor of the Urban Resilience Research Center at Osaka Metropolitan University, and Sueharu Izumi, Deputy Assistant Director of the Autonomous Cooperation Division at Kawachinagano City Government in Osaka, gave presentations respectively on “Human Resource Development in Community Disaster Management in Japan” and “Efforts on Activities for Community Disaster Management in Japan”. Additionally, experts from countries and regions including Taiwan, the US, Australia, Canada and Finland shared their expertise and experiences.
The Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association will continue to cooperate with the GCTF for its further development.