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Network Security and Emerging Technology


Mr. Shigehiro Nishiumi, Deputy Representative of the Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association Taipei Office, attended the opening ceremony of the GCTF Workshop on Network Security and Emerging Technologies.

On April 16, Mr. Shigehiro Nishiumi, Deputy Representative of the Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association Taipei Office, attended the opening ceremony of the Global Cooperation Training Framework (GCTF) Workshop on Network Security and Emerging Technologies. His opening remarks were as follows.

Deputy Minister Hsieh of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
Senior Advisor Lee,
President Cho of the Institute for Information Industry, and
Deputy Director Greene of the American Institute of Taiwan.

On behalf of the Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association, I am honored to co-host the GCTF Workshop on Network Security and on Emerging Technologies with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the American Institute, and the Institute for the Information Industry.

In today’s world, the Internet of things (IoT) and 5G are driving revolutionary change in our society. Along with this, our lives are becoming more comfortable and convenience is rising dramatically. The productivity of companies is increasing and there are significant changes in our lifestyles emerging such as in the way we work.

On the other hand, technology changes also give rise to major new risks. The biggest of these is ensuring information security. All data, including personal information, intellectual property rights, and the infrastructure of society itself is interlinked via networks. Preventing malicious attacks on these networks is an urgent issue for us all.

The GCTF, first launched by the United States and Taiwan, provides an innovative framework for the discussion of common issues on a cross-regional basis. It is a vital initiative and the Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association is delighted to be acting as co-sponsor this year.

The theme of this workshop is an urgent topic worldwide. Taiwan is a key location for the worldwide information and communication technology (ICT) industry and I am delighted that so many experts from all over the world are here to participate in this workshop.

In classical Chinese philosophy, successful outcomes are based on achieving harmony between heaven, earth, and man. This workshop combines all three elements and I am confident that this augurs well for this event to achieve significant and meaningful success!

The exchange of views and opinions at this workshop will strengthen our collaborative efforts to bring about a free, open, and prosperous society through the safe utilization of emerging technologies.

I would like to extend my best wishes for future cooperation between all countries based on the development of a close network between our participants and partners.

Thank you all for your attention.