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Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19): Preparation for the Second Wave


On June 24, 2020, the Chief Representative Hiroyasu Izumi attended the opening ceremony of the GCTF virtual workshop on “Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19): Preparation for the Second Wave” and delivered a speech at the event.

This virtual GCTF program included participants from each member country and was accomplished through a video conferencing platform and represented GCTF’s second online event since April 2020. Experts from various countries and regions including Japan shared their findings at this workshop, confirming the mutual support of the international community and expanding discussions about possible measures to overcome the spread of the COVID-19 infection and prepare for its anticipated second wave.

The Representative’s Address

Distinguished Guests,

I would like to extend a very warm welcome to you on behalf of the Japan–Taiwan Exchange Association. I am delighted to co-host the GCTF virtual workshop on “Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19): Preparation for the Second Wave” with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Taiwan, the American Institute in Taiwan, the Australian Office in Taipei, and the Taiwan Center for Disease Control.

Despite achieving great success in containing the novel coronavirus, Taiwan was unable to participate as an observer in the World Health Assembly (WHA) this May. Japan will continue to endeavor vigorously to mold international opinion toward Taiwan’s participation in the WHA. This virtual workshop will accord us the opportunity to share Taiwan’s knowledge with the global community.

Currently, Japan is reporting 0.7 COVID-19 deaths per 100,000 of the population. This number is considerably restrained in comparison to other countries even though Japan does not impose any compulsory measures. Fortunately, we have managed to overcome the peak of the pandemic due to our high-quality health care system, health awareness, and the willingness of the citizens to follow the rules and curtail their lifestyles. We will undertake all efforts to prepare for the second wave by using our medical knowledge and technical capabilities to the best extent possible. I am certain that today’s workshop will provide participating experts a wonderful opportunity to engage in a meaningful exchange of opinions from diverse perspectives.

I have the immense pleasure of once again welcoming the Australian Office in Taipei as a robust partner and co-host of the GCTF workshop held in November 2019. We will continuously strive to invite more partners to our meaningful events. I would like to appreciate the efforts and commitments of all those who have facilitated the organization of today’s GCTF virtual workshop. Thank you.